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Chairman's Update

Chairman's Update

Gareth Hughes13 May - 16:55
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A club-wide update from chairman Gareth Hughes

A big welcome to the 2024 cricket season at Barrow Cricket and my first chairman’s message.
After 3 weeks of cricket and a few very summery days it’s easy to forget the unprecedentedly wet weather we had in the lead up to the season. It’s fantastic that we are now fully up and running and a massive thank you must go to the grounds team; Alen, John and Tom who have worked tirelessly in tough conditions to ensure we have been able to start the season.
There was also plenty of hard work in the preseason to make the necessary repairs and improvements around the club. I'm immensely grateful to the many members who volunteered their valuable spare time to help and allowed us to make a real difference. From replacing, repairing and painting fences, a new secure area in the kit room and a refurb of the nets we have ensured the club's facilities continue to improve. There is always more to do including an urgent set of repairs on the showers following a leak last week, but there’s no doubt that the works undertaken to date are a step in the right direction. I would ask all members and parents to be mindful of the need to look after our facilities. Ensuring changing rooms are clear and clean and common areas tidy are important to helping the club remain a pleasant environment for all.
In addition, we have been lucky enough to receive an ECB grant to build a new outdoor social space in what was an untidy area between the pavilion and kit shed. You will have noticed the works are underway with some bright colours being used as part of the “rum shack” theme and it should be completed in the next few days. The reason for deciding to make this investment was to make the cricket club a more pleasant and social place where people could spend more leisure time so please come and check it out soon. We will also be holding the official of the new outdoor area at our first club social event of the year on 7th June! More info to follow shortly!
We have now seen plenty of cricket at Barrow over the first 3 weeks of the season with all teams who have played recording at least 1 victory (well done to the u11s and u13s who have 3 wins from 3 games). In particular it was brilliant to see the 3rd XI finally starting their season on Saturday with a brilliant win under the leadership of first time captain Dave Rowlands!
We are also looking forward to the start of the Sunday 4th XI. This year we have decided to play a schedule of friendly games rather than participate in the Sunday league. This should allow better opportunities to give our older junior members the chance to participate in senior cricket in a fun, friendly and safe environment.
I wish everyone an enjoyable and successful summer on the cricket pitch and I look forward to catching up with many of you soon.



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